Jessica M. OJA is an RN, BSN, CCRN with seven years of experience in ICU and PACU . She currently is working as a home health nurse and is pursuring a FNP/MPH dual degree.
Jessica has volunteered with a number of international organizations across the world, most recently with Global Outreach Doctors in western Kenya where she focused on enriching the clinical educational experiences of local nursing students. She has worked in Jordan, Vietnam, Ecuador, Nepal as well as volunteering in her local community of Alameda, California. Jessica is passionate about the delivery of safe surgical care to patients in developing nations. She has served as a response nurse for her hospital’s High Level Biocontainment Team in response to the Ebola outbreak and has also worked as SWAT nurse at her hospital. Jessica enjoys traveling, backpacking with her two dogs, and is currently pursuing her certification as a Hath Yoga Advanced Studies Teacher.